Announcement - Launching On Patreon + Vision For The Future

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hey there Leo here for actualize org and this is an announcement video of actualized org launching on patreon if you're not familiar with patreon already patreon is a platform that allows you to support independent artists and creators by making small monthly donations and contributions through that platform so if you want to help support actualize org if you find a value in the content that I produce and you want to incentivize more of this then go there go to the gist of my announcement here but I want to continue a little bit to elaborate upon my thought process behind why I decided to do this and where actualize that org is going in the future I want to share a little bit of my vision for where this can go so I've actually been mulling this idea over for probably close to a year about whether I should join patreon or not and I've been hesitant about it because I don't generally like to heavily monetize my work I feels like it undermines my work to do that I don't like to cheapen it that way I don't want to beg people for donations you know I could be monetizing actualized I work a lot more than I am I could hire a business guy a marketing guy who could come in here and squeeze every penny out of it that we could squeeze out of it and we could squeeze out of it probably five times more than I'm earning right now if I if I really wanted to the way that some other channels do it by running a ton more ads by doing you know in video sponsorships which is common nowadays by doing paid reviews and all this sorts of stuff of various self-help products you know this is all standard industry practice in the self-help industry I've been very careful to avoid that with my work you know my videos are very long generally you know to our videos I could easily stuff 10 20 ads into one of those videos when they're that long but I don't and I want to keep it that way and I could turn actualize org into a large corporate organization which is all about growth and maximizing profits I could have done that years ago I've decided not to I don't want to go down that road see because what we're doing here is something special something different something that's not mainstream something that's not corporatized something that's not about the profits yet at the same time of course survival is as you should know by now just a general function of life and so actualize that org is a business it is competing with other businesses and other channels on YouTube it is competing for advertising and it has to compete in that marketplace not because I need massive profits although of course that's nice but simply because money is the lifeblood of business if your business isn't profitable you go out of business then you can't do the thing you want to do you can't help people in the ways you want to help them now of course it's easy to go overboard with that and just to make the business about the profits so it's all about striking a very careful and delicate balance now as far as these patreon donations go I'm not doing it because I'm starving for money and because I need money personally to support myself I'm very comfortable I'm very well-off I don't need more money in terms of that but as I was looking at the situation I saw that patreon could allow me some new opportunities with actualize that org for expanding improving and growing it in the future and that's really what these donations are about so it's not about personally for me I'm actually a very frugal person I had to be in order to get to the point where I'm at now so for me now it's just easy to be frugal I don't waste my money on fancy sports cars and fancy luxury watches and all the sorts of stuff I mean I could I could go out and buy a Lamborghini tomorrow with cash I could do that I don't because it does nothing for me like the things that I'm interested in life are way beyond that kind of materialistic stuff but money is a resource and we can use this resource we can leverage this resource to do good in the world one infant one of the problems in fact that the world faces right now is that there's so much wealth and money going around in the economy but it's going largely to the wrong sources it's being used to fund low consciousness versus high consciousness activities and teachings and that's a big problem I've talked about in my episode called the deep problem of marketing see and that's something we're facing here like we're trying to spread self actualizing wisdom and we're trying to spread awareness of awakening in all this but that's hard to do when you're competing against giant conglomerates corporations that are raking in millions and billions of dollars and then using it simply for pure profits and then of course they do that by exploiting you by showing you various kinds of low consciousness ads and getting you to buy low consciousness products and services which ultimately keep the population in a state of low consciousness so this is something that we're dealing with and in this way I saw that will we can use this possibility for donations as a way to combat that trend see so here's what your money might go to if you donate through patreon first of all it helps me to maintain my creative independence and that's huge for me really that was my whole point of becoming an entrepreneur in the very beginning is I had big ambitions and dreams of things I wanted to share with people the kind of artistic work that I wanted to do the creative work that I wanted to do and I saw that it was it was not gonna be possible to do that work unless I develop complete autonomy complete independence from any corporation or any investors or anything like that because I don't want to be beholden to any of them I want to put out the kind of content and work that needs to be put out and I want to be able to say the brutal things the truthful things that I need to say sometimes that would just impossible in any kind of corporate or institutional environment and so of course the only reason actualized work exists in the first place is because I was already financially successful from prior businesses that I started when I started actualised org you see I didn't really start it from scratch truly I already had a comfortable cushion of money that I earned I talked a little bit more about how I did that in my life purpose course but anyways that is what allowed me to cover many of the niche topics that I covered because otherwise I wouldn't be able to actually lift my channel off the ground because I would have to be covering topics that are very click Beatty that are very mainstream to get it off the ground otherwise because I would be desperate for money and say I don't want to be in that position so I still have full creative independence but you know who knows what the future holds I want to be able to maintain that so your your donations help with that it means that I can cover deeper topics less mainstream topics I can cover more esoteric topics I don't have to rely on clickbait as much with the work that I do I don't have to worry as much about monetizing things because you know as a business person you do have to worry about monetization of your products and services because if you don't it's easy to go out of business you see for me this business is not about earning lots of money this business is about sharing these powerful and deep insights that I feel are not being shared nearly enough in our society and in our culture so your donation can help with that to maintain my independence another way that your donation can help is with more original research I do quite a bit of original research with my work I don't just read books and pare it back what I read to you of course I do some of that but I also go out and invest money and my time into researching new technologies new techniques new gadgets new chemicals and whatever else I can help you to self-actualize and to give me deeper insights that I can then share with you a lot of my time is devoted to that in fact over the last three years or so since I released my life purpose course originally my plan was that I was gonna be releasing like a new course every year but the life purpose of course came out and I sort of had a choice I could have worked on the next course immediately which would have earned me a lot of money you know releasing courses of course helps me earn money and helps to maintain actualize that org without the courses that wouldn't be possible but what I did instead over the last three years is I poured more of my time and energy into research to deepen the content of the free videos which you've seen it deepened a lot over the last three years and this has been a major time sync for me which basically ate up all of my time to the point where I I didn't have time to work on new courses I'm still working on some and I still plan to be releasing more paid courses in the future and sometimes people ask well Leo why why do you charge money for your courses because if I didn't there couldn't be actualized that org another reason actually why is because I already shower you with a bunch of free content in fact it's actually a detriment to many of you guys because you get so glutted with free content you sort of take it so for granted these amazing insights that usually other companies and people would charge you thousands of dollars for here you take a so for granted and actually it it paradoxically becomes a disservice to you because it cheapens this content usually you have to work your ass off for this content so when it's just showered upon you week after week after week for years it's very easy to start to take it for granted one of the things I discovered when I started doing life coaching is that very ironically when you offer free life coaching to people they don't take it they can't actually utilize it in the way that someone who's paying for it can it seems like how could that be you know you're offering somebody hundreds of dollars were the free services you know life coaching usually costs at least $100 an hour I was charging $200 an hour at some point but when you offer it to somebody for free they don't appreciate it they treat it as though it's like oh this is just some [ __ ] it's just some friendly conversation that we're having they don't treat it seriously but when they pay 200 ollars an hours for it then they treat it much more seriously they show up on time they're there committed they actually follow up and do the homework that is assigned to them after every call and so forth well it's the same thing here I try to actually price my courses very affordably I could charge a lot more for the courses I price them affordably because I want them to be accessible to most people but also I wanted to be a bit of investment so when you invest in a course you're like okay I'm actually committing to this I've put some money in this I've got some skin in the game I'm gonna take the content seriously and that's actually a win-win for both of us in a sense plus there's so much free content that if you want to be free and you want to be cheap it's all there for you so speaking of research I'll just give you one example of what I mean by research you might wonder well Lia what original research well for example recently I've discovered a new psychedelic substance which is more powerful than five Meo DMT this is a substance that nobody knows about you've never heard of it no books have been written about it no videos have been released about it this substance is more powerful than five Meo DMT per milligram it produces more profound trips than five Meo DMP if you could believe that it's got less body load it's better for this work that we're interested in doing it's an absolutely amazing miraculous substance that I managed to discover through doing a read original research that you know I invest time and energy and money into doing so I'm gonna hold back I'm not gonna reveal what the substance is so don't don't beg me for it just yet I will reveal it at some point in the future but just know that stuff like that is out there now you might leo how is this possible are you talking about DPT or what no I'm not talking about DPT I'm talking about something you don't know about something totally new well how is that possible well you should know by now if you've been following my content that you don't know what the [ __ ] is possible a lot is possible that you've never imagined so we're always pushing the cutting edge here one of the principles of actualize that already is that not everything is known not everything spiritual is known the Buddha didn't know everything Christ didn't know everything there's a lot more spiritual technologies to be discovered and so that's part of what we're doing here and of course that takes time and money and in the future I plan to do more research I plan to experiment with new techniques and and methods maybe I'll do a dark room retreat and I'll do a video about that maybe I'll experiment with new forms of meditation or yoga or other kinds of retreats so there's interesting possibilities there and your donations can help fund that sort of cutting edge research which will advance mankind into the future these really are some of these techniques and some of these chemicals are life transforming technologies it's really quite amazing and we're on the cutting edge of that it's exciting to be doing this work in the 21st century because there's still so much we don't know about spirituality also your donation helps me to share more freely sometimes because I am worried about monetization and the survival the business I do have to hold certain content back because I think like well this this content I want to hold back for some paid product or some for some course so with with a steady stream of donations I have to worry less about that I can share more fleet freely it would also incentivize me to make better content for you because if I am getting the majority of my my funding directly from you guys not from advertisers or from other places then I can focus just on making the best videos without being worried about other factors and that's ultimately what I would love to be doing so I don't even have to worry about courses or whatever I can just focus on making the best free content that I can there's also the potential of using these donations to help spread the word of actualized org so one possibility is that I could start running ads on YouTube videos elsewhere not on my videos I mean mean running actualised videos on other channels and other places online to help to draw more people in cuz as you see one of the challenges with this work is that the deeper the work goes the more radical and truthful it becomes the less click baby it is the less it appeals to people the less views it gets the longer the videos get the less views see I could triple my views if I cut my videos in half that's just how it works but I don't want to do that but as my content gets deeper one of the problems is that fewer and fewer people get exposed to it see so one way to combat this is using to then run ads to attract people in think about how you discovered this channel in the first place by accident right you typed something into YouTube or just some search box somewhere online or you just stumbled upon some recommended video you clicked on it for whatever reason randomly and then you discovered some amazing rabbit hole that you went down but think about how many people in the world are never going to be that lucky to stumble upon this content ever 99% of people will never stumble upon this content because it's rare and it's hard to stumble upon it doesn't get many views it's not some flashy click Beatty title type stuff it's not viral as you've probably seen it's very hard to share this content with your friends and get them to buy into it well a better use of your time rather than trying to convince your friends to watch actualize that work a better use might be to donate 5 10 bucks a month through patreon and then I could create a system where we have these ads that target specific places where these people can be found and can be introduced to this content so for five or ten bucks a month you can help spread this material to somebody whose life it will transform who otherwise would never have seen it and that's a that's a that's a pretty powerful use of money right there another potential use of this money is to create new kinds of videos one of the things I've been toying around with in my mind is creating videos that are more well polished and well produced that don't just feature my face but that feature 3d visualizations or maybe 2d visualizations of various interesting topics about metaphysics and epistemology but these kinds of videos are expensive to produce I would have to work with an animator or with various kinds of artists graphic artists would have to hire them or pay them as contractors whatever and that can be an exciting new possibility that could draw in more more views and more audience these would be short videos they wouldn't be hour long videos but um but they could be but they can be very powerful as well so that's something that I'm exploring but of course one of the bottlenecks there is that these animators and so forth can be expensive to hire and it can be risky to hire such people without proper funding so that's an interesting possibility in the future depending on how much funding I have I could experiment with that another thing that I could do and I probably will be doing anyways even if I don't get donations from you guys I will still be I have to upgrade camera equipment have to upgrade probably to upgrade my my studio gonna upgrade my background my set all this stuff pushing it to make it better upgrade the lenses on my cameras and so forth so of course I'm always investing in that sort of infrastructure and getting more funding is very helpful with that like for example the next camera I upgrade is probably gonna be a six thousand dollar camera so you see the money adds up upgrading microphones and editing software and so forth another possibility for the use of this money is I've been considering doing a tour touring around the country holding various kinds of workshops that might be something that comes in the future and of course doing that is a little bit difficult because it's expensive traveling to a new city flying they're renting hotels and doing you know car rentals and all this even renting meeting spaces and rooms all of this adds up to at least a thousand dollars per city at least to do that sort of stuff so doing a tours is quite costly and it would be difficult to offset that through through selling of the tour because the tour prices would have to be very low in order to attract more people so if I have more funding then it's easier to get a tour or some workshops going I've even in the very long term thought about the possibility of building a retreat center of buying a large chunk of land like 50 acres in Hawaii for example in the middle of the rainforest and actually constructing a retreat center there with bungalows that people could come and stay at and live in and and we do live in-person trainings that's you know a far-off possibility but of course doing something like that requires enormous funding we're talking about millions of dollars to get something like that done but that's a that's a pretty cool possibility - there's also the possibility depending on how much funding again through donations in the end is to eliminate all YouTube ads on my own videos that's something that I think might be cool to do because ultimately I don't like having ads on my videos that advertise all sorts of low consciousness stuff - you get get-rich-quick schemes that are advertised and fast-food and various stupid movies and whatever else it gets advertised on my videos I don't even know it would be nice to actually be able to eliminate that but of course that would be losing a large chunk of of income so that will all depend on how much donations I can ultimately get and also lastly having a stream of donations helps to stay safe guard actualize that org against D monetization and D listing that is always a possibility in fact the more truthful and more radical my content gets the more likely I am to get D listed in the future you know there's a possibility that YouTube could ban my channel entirely and if in the future for whatever reason because the content is radical and once it gets popular enough you know people catch wind of it who don't like it who are opposed to it it's gonna be tricky so it's nice to have a cushion of funding that would allow me to to weather those kinds of storms and to even operate outside of YouTube if necessary it's kind of like the worst of the worst comes to pass so those are some possibilities I'm not promising any of them necessarily it all depends on where things are gonna go what you guys are gonna be interested in what I'm gonna be interested in it's gonna depend on how much funding I have how much things cost and what's workable what's not workable and also these are many of these are long-term possibilities so when I'm talking about building some sort of retreat center don't expect something like that to happen next year this is like I'm talking 10 years down the road or when I'm talking about doing some workshops again this might be a few years down the road right this stuff takes a lot of work and time to do right and to make sure that it doesn't um that it doesn't turn into devilry I'm always very careful with with expanding actualize that order because I don't want it to turn into a cult I'm very careful about that I don't want it to turn into some sort of Osho like you know situation where it gets out of hand and and becomes a source of devilry and gives a bad reputation to this kind of spiritual work that we're doing so we have to be very careful how we expand and how we get more people introduced that's always a danger devilry is always a danger my ultimate vision though for actualize that org is that I want to create a free catalog of the most advanced teachings on the planet that integrate science and mysticism my ultimate goal with this work is not to personally help you to be successful sure that could be a side effect of this work and it's not even to personally enlighten you that's also just a side effect of this work the real purpose and vision behind my work is that I want to change the epistemology of the human race that's really what we're doing here we're shifting how humanity thinks about itself how it thinks about knowledge how thinks about science how it thinks about religion how thinks about spirituality how the things about logic and reason and language how it thinks about belief systems and points of view how it thinks about politics how thinks about government how it thinks about society and culture this is a this is a enormous undertaking and one of the ways that I'm gonna do this is by writing some books so I'm working on some some deep books that are that are designed to integrate science and mysticism of course I'm doing that through the videos as well but these books are gonna go deep and again it's a long-term project that I have it'll probably take years to to release any of this stuff so don't don't be thinking of this is some sort of short-term project and like Leo was your book coming out next year no it's not coming out next year five years at the earliest because our mission here is a lot bigger than just publishing some silly flimsy little book I'm talking about a book that will transform how all of mankind and how scientists understand reality and how they do science that's what I'm talking about and of course it would also be nice to have funding to be able to promote that book once it's written once all the the work has been done to write it I've also spent the last three years a lot of my time has went into doing research for this book I have copious notes I have probably thousands of pages of notes for the research for this book the research is mostly all done it's all in my head now it's just a matter of combining it all together and putting it into a nice presenter organize form but that's still very difficult to do because the content is so massive and so deep and so tricky that it's going to take thousands of pages to properly explain it all so that's something that I'm working on as well and by donating you can help to contribute to to this ultimate vision that I have in conclusion just keep in mind that actualized that org is only getting started we're only seeing the the tip of the iceberg of where this can go there's still tons of content to create free content paid content courses that I have planned various resource lists and stuff that I plan to release a lot more research that I'm gonna do and share with you guys and books and so forth so there's there's a lot of potential here if you would like to support me in this please go down below click on the link or go to I'm very grateful if you do don't do it because you should or because you have to or because you feel guilty only do it if you want to if you feel this is a good use of your resources do it if not then don't and if you don't don't feel guilty about it keep watching the free videos that's that's totally fine by me and otherwise thank you for your support and I could not do this without you doing this work has been my dream come true and the only reason I'm doing it is because I have an audience otherwise it's pointless to do this work and of course if you can support me directly that makes our relationship as direct and as pure as it can be so I don't have to be beholden to various kinds of other interests and pressures from the outside and to me that's really the ideal situation is where I can be putting out my best creative work for free but still being able to sustain myself and to grow the business and to attract more people to the work and in this way we get help to awaken mankind you